Lyceum History

Cadets’  Military Lyceum is a Legal Entity of Public Law, established   under  the Ministry of Defence of Georgia,  on the basis of #515  order  issued on 2nd August,2010. On 13thSeptember,2010  it was officially opened.
Its aims are:
 To provide equal educational environment on the basis of the national Educational Curriculum, the law of “Secondary Education, the lyceum’s rules and routine.
To develop cadets’ intellectual, cultural, physical and moral upbringing, help them adapt with social life, create the basis for serving the country in its military and civil areas.
 The lyceum conducts boys’ academic studying, military training and provides them with the secondary educational level, according to the national and local Educational Curriculum.
The lyceum is a kind of boarding-school, providing the cadets with accommodation, medical service, nutrition, proper facilities and studying materials.
In 2010, 300 cadets were admitted at the lyceum, after passing entrance exams.
First Course (X year) _200 cadets;
Second Course (XI  year) _100 cadets.
In 2011, 110 cadets were allowed to  study  at the lyceum, after passing entrance exams.
First Course (X year) _110 cadets;
The first generation, 78 cadets, graduated from  the lyceum on 1st July, 2012.
In 2012, 120 cadets  began studying   at the lyceum, after passing entrance exams.
First Course (X year) _120 cadets;
89   cadets, graduated from  the lyceum on 1st July, 2013. Four of them were awarded silver medals   by the Ministry of Education and Science.
In 2013, 120 cadets continued  their  secondary education on the first course of the lyceum, after passing entrance exams.
67  cadets, graduated from  the lyceum on 3rd  June, 2014. Top 10 cadets were awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science . 6 of them  got gold medals and  4 of them - silver medals.
In 2014, 120 cadets were admitted at the lyceum, after passing entrance exams.
The lyceum  was named after General Giorgi  Kvinitadze on the basis of #72  order of the Minister of Defence, issued on 15th  September,2014. The event was  officially celebrated on 2nd October,2014.
The fourth generation, 84 cadets, graduated from  the lyceum on 11th  June, 2015. Top 5 cadets were awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science. Four  of them  got gold medals and  one of them - silver medal.
In 2015, 126 cadets were admitted at the lyceum, after passing entrance exams.
